Business Advisory

Success in business is
driven by a well-crafted strategy.

We provide business advisory services, delivering tailored business solutions and facilitating digital transformation for our clients.

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About me

I am Raj Kumar Singh, a professional in HR, Taxation and Legal matters.

A versatile pro in HR, Tax, strategy, and Legal; adept at navigating complexities, a trusted advisor in diverse business dimensions.


What Services We Offer

Business advisory differs according to the business environment, industry dynamics, and specific organizational needs.

Business Advisory​

Making smart decisions, improving your profits and overall results.

Tax Preparation

Tax preparation ensures financial compliance and peace of mind in an ever-changing tax landscape.


‘R Journal’ is a sanctuary for thoughts, a canvas for dreams, and a compass for self-discovery.


R Innovation‘ is the heartbeat of progress, driving us to a brighter future.


R Forum‘ is where diverse voices converge, ideas collide, and knowledge thrives.

Legal Advice
Legal advice is the giving of a professional or formal opinion.
Why choose me

With 12+ years of experience

“Our HR, legal, and digital transformation services adapt to diverse business environments, management dynamics, and experience levels.”

Precise Calculation

Taking care of your accounts and keeping you up to date.

Excellent Strategies

Taking care of your accounts and keeping you up to date.

Budget Friendly

Taking care of your accounts and keeping you up to date.

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Happy Visitors


With 12+ years of experience

Are you looking for Business Advisors /Strategic Consultants?

As business advisors and strategic consultants, we provide comprehensive services and tailor-made business solutions.

Case Studies

Best case studies for the
future reference

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your...

Initialising QuickBooks for your business accountancy

Surrounded by picturesque waterfalls, colorful florals,...

Blog and tips

Featured guide and articles


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first...


Initialising QuickBooks for your business accountancy

Surrounded by picturesque waterfalls, colorful florals, and...

Tax Guide

When you should hire an accountant for your business.

An accountant is a practitioner of accounting or accountancy....


Frequently asked questions

Before launching a new business, it's crucial to engage a business advisor or consultant who can provide expertise in areas such as market research, strategy development, risk management, financial planning, networking, objectivity, accountability, cost optimization, and adaptability. Their experience and insights can help prevent costly mistakes and enhance your business's prospects for success. Organizations like RAJIFY can assist you in meeting these essential requirements.

RAJIFY's financial planning services, especially in taxation, can be a game-changer for your new business. By leveraging their expertise, you can ensure that your business adheres to all tax regulations while also optimizing your tax strategy to minimize liabilities. This not only helps you avoid potential legal issues but also maximizes your profits, ensuring your business starts off on a financially sound footing.

Managing risks is paramount for the success of any new business, and RAJIFY excels in this area. Their risk management services can help identify potential threats, develop mitigation strategies, and create contingency plans. By partnering with RAJIFY, you'll be better prepared to navigate uncertainties, protect your assets, and ultimately, ensure the longevity and stability of your business.

Succession planning is crucial for ensuring the continuity of your business. RAJIFY can guide you through this process by helping you identify and develop a succession plan that aligns with your long-term goals. Their expertise in this area can safeguard your business's future by ensuring a seamless transition of leadership, which is vital for maintaining stability and growth.

RAJIFY's Legal Advisory services can provide your new business with invaluable legal guidance. Whether it's drafting contracts, navigating complex regulatory frameworks, or handling any legal issues that may arise, RAJIFY's team of experts can help you make informed decisions and stay in compliance with the law. This ensures that your business operates smoothly and avoids any potential legal pitfalls that could harm its reputation or bottom line.